There are multiple points of contact for reaching your audience. The best plans take into account all media outlets with a plan to optimize each and no try single approach across … More...
The LoHi Park Process – Content, Media & Analysis
Let's talk a look at the tools that can bring new efficiencies to your team. These tools can range from free through thousands of dollars These tools can range from free (!!) … More...
Performance starts with goals. Let's go back to the Planning process and see how well we did. … More...
Emerging Solutions, New Tools & Using Technology
Selling Homes – Building Trust Before Selling Listings
Face it; the goal is to sell properties, so it’s tempting for a real estate agent to focus on showing their properties. However, according to Lucid Press, the online buying process … More...
Marketing For Realtors – From Marketing Pros
In this article from Kipp Bodnar, CMO at HubSpot, covers “10 Real Estate Social Media Marketing Strategies That'll Bring in New Business.” It comes from the marketing point of view … More...
Selling Cars – Connect Early in the Sell Cycle with Buyers
In this article from Rebixit Consulting, an English digital agency, the importance of using visual content again comes through as a primary best practice as users watch over 30 … More...
Selling Cars – Matching Social Media to Target Buyer
There are car selling solutions across all social media platforms. The key is to match the platform to your audience. The information below is mostly derived from Jumper Media, a … More...
Great First Steps for a Marketing Launch
Below is a WordStream article that I have had bookmarked since 2014 because it was on target then and its recent update refreshes it for 2018. First, you can't do everything, so … More...
The Growth of Facebook Messenger ChatBots
A recent addition to our offerings at LoHi Park Media is building Messenger ChatBots, aka "MessageBots," on Facebook for clients. Though tier use is still very much in their … More...